Thursday, 28 March 2013

Protecting Our Protectors - Why Sachin Suryavanshi cannot be left to fend for himself

You can choose to be indifferent, but not forever. Your misplaced hope that someone else, somewhere, some how will fix this society for you while you keep trying to make the most of your life may well be driving you down a path of future regret and failure - In the eyes of yourself, your family and your society.

What is to come of you should tomorrow your daughter be molested, son murdered, parents heckled or worse? What if these acts were to be committed by someone who cannot be investigated and cannot fall within the realms of law? What if the perpetrators are one of the MLAs or their family member who just got a little more emboldened as ASI Sachin Suryavanshi lies at a hospital, suspended from police service, thrashed by MLAs in the Vidhan Sabha - all for ensuring that an MLA was duly challaned for over-speeding.

Go on, hope that the worse never happens to you or your family. Shirk your responsibility to the nation, your society and to yourself and fatally hope and pray instead. Donate to temples, give to charity and hope that because you pay a "moral hypocrisy" tax, bad will not befall you. Its not the first time for most of us. Lets shirk once again. Lets believe our life is more important and worthy of other things. Lets hope that someone else will fix the mess for us.

Well here is Mr. Sachin Suryavanshi. He is trying to fix a big mess for you! He is trying to uphold his sacred oath of duty to maintain the rule of law and to hold all people equal in the eyes of law. He knew what he was getting into, but he stayed course. He says that he will rather leave the force and return to his village than to take this humiliation that now awaits him - something for which you are giving your politicians a free hand. A fine foot soldier who wanted to make a life built on the foundations of courage and integrity will go back to his village, disgraced.

And what will you do? WHAT will you do?

Do you think virtues of courage and integrity should be protected in testing settings like the police force which is hopelessly under the political thumb? Do you believe it is the right thing to do to let these virtues of courage and integrity be subverted by power hungry misappropriations? 

If you know what is the right thing to do, if you believe that Suryavanshi was doing the right thing, then how can you console yourself into inaction? As you act, so shall be the society you will build for yourself and your family. 

No society is built by random accidents. Its people take decisions on what they will stand for and against. Little drops of convictions converge and build a stream that whips up an ocean one day.

You can look at yourself as one little helpless drop again today. Or you could believe that this little drop too can merge with other little drops and make a sum larger than their individual parts.

It is no longer about Mr. Suryavanshi. It is about what must not be allowed. A policeman tried to protect all of us by trying to uphold the law and treating all people equal within it.

The price of inaction is severe and more of us need to shake out of the delusion that the sins of our collective inaction will never boomerang back on us. As Mr. Suryavanshi pays the price of political retribution for complying with his duty, it is time for more of us to resolve to protect our protectors. 

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